
  • Streamlined some of my processes as Vice President of Finance for Alpha Kappa Psi by building a custom slackbot that reads from the extensive Google Sheets maintaining our financial information and logging for sponsorship efforts to deliver periodic updates on the status of the organization

Scheduled Messages#

constructing a weekly update message based on a Google Sheet

CSPON Updates: [a week ago] - [yesterday]

Sales Closed - HELL YEA! Congrats!

  • Company | @director | Date

Wins - YAY! Good news :) Remember to see these all the way through!

  • Company | @director | Date

Losses - It happens. Please remember to fill out insights from this contact in the sheet. Onwards!

  • Company | @director | Date

In Progress - Company | @director | Last Contacted Date - Good work. Remember to keep following up.

Only those overdue for followup (5 days) are listed here. See the sheet for details

  • Company | @director | Date

Total in progress emails: XX

Calls Scheduled - Company | @director | Date - Good Luck!

  • Company | @director | Date

Total calls scheduled: XX

weekly updates on our fund status
[TODO] add special projects fund status

Raza-Dhanani Fund Updates: [a week ago] - [yesterday]

Since last week: +/-X% | +/-$XX.XX

Cash Value: $XXX.XX

Stock Value: $XXX.XX

Total Account Value: $XXX.XX

See the pinned sheet for details!

Externally Triggered Messages#

[TODO] for new applications for special projects funding

Internally Triggered Messages#

[TODO] @vpf budget

Returns a link to the current budget

[TODO] @vpf dues

Responds in DM with how much your current A/R is based on chapterspot (feasible?)

[TODO] @vpf venmo request @handle

Adds row to venmo request sheet with handle and name